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To find the way, close your eyes, listen closely, and attend with your heart.

- Anonymous


Sally Pechstein, MPH, RDN

Sally is a Holistic Life Coach, and has been trained in two types of energy medicine. She is a Raku-Kei Reiki Master practitioner, trained and attuned to the three levels of Reiki, in the Usui & Tibetan traditions.

Sally is also trained as a practitioner & facilitator in The Awakening Work, a lesser-known yet very powerful modality of energy work taught by Ron Hall, her long-time mentor and teacher. The Awakening Work is what resonates most strongly with Sally and is the modality of healing she offers her clients.

Sally lives in New Mexico with her sweet and loving 4-legged children.  When she’s not seeing clients, Sally enjoys daily meditation, gardening, hiking, fitness, exploring New Mexico's hidden gems, travel, cooking, and nestling in at home.

Sally Pechstein photo

Bringing energy healing to clients is an incredible Joy for me, as is being a witness for those who are on a path of transformation, to grow their soul.

I have pursued energy work as a modality for my own healing, self-discovery and growth for over 20 years, and I have been blessed to work with tremendous mentors and teachers. I truly know the value of offering and receiving gentle guidance, acceptance and encouragement for individual growth, self-love and empowerment. My training as a Reiki Practitioner and as an Awakening Work facilitator has inspired my desire to help people find healing on all levels of their Being: spiritual, emotional, physical and mental.  I am awed and humbled by the transformative Gift that energy work gives to us.

My vision is to see energy medicine be widely-practiced and an integral part of health care and self care. I am thankful every day to be bringing the amazing benefits of energy healing to others.

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